Friday 4 January 2019

Taking pleasure

Taking pleasure is one of the few things that does not diminish but enhances the object that is taken from. Taking is usually a zero-sum game. If you and I both have ten pounds and I take two of yours, then I have twelve pounds and you have eight. I have gained but you have lost, I increased my wealth but decreased yours. There is of course still a total of twenty pounds, we have not increased but simply redistributed the wealth

How different it is with pleasure, because taking pleasure is not a zero-sum game. If I have taken pleasure from someone then I have gained, and the other has not been diminished. However, it is better than that; my taking pleasure actually enhances the one in whom I find pleasure. They will find pleasure in me taking pleasure. But it is even better than that! As I take pleasure in someone and they find a deepening pleasure themselves, then others will see and want to participate. It is amazing that there is enough pleasure to go around!

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