Saturday 26 January 2019


The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves
Hebrews 10:1

So often we talk about shadows in a negative way
The malevolent lurking in the shadows
A dark shadow crosses his face
The cloud blocks out the sun leaving a shadow across the ground
But a shadow is 'only a shadow' 
It is not concrete 
It does not exist in isolation
No shadow is an island
A shadow always is the result of something else
The sun
A lamp
The shadow calls attention but not to itself
It has no existence without a cause
It is the combination of light and things
Bright and objects
Sun and stuff
When you see a shadow, you look back to what has masked the light
Then further to the source of the dark outline
A shadow humbles itself before the light
It cannot compete with the brilliance of luminous energy
A shadow shows an outline, a skeleton, a framework
Pointing toward the reality itself
A shadow can reveal a synopsis, never all the detail
To know fully we must leave the shadow behind
Choose not to be satisfied with the silhouette 
Focus on what is authentic and genuine
Seek the realities themselves

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