Monday 31 December 2018


For something to start, something must finish
To have a now we must say goodbye to before
For tomorrow to come we cannot continue with today
The past is always gone, never to reappear 
The future is always just beyond our reach
We cannot stay the same, we are always changing
The world we once knew has drifted away 
And the world we now know will one day do the same
Our view of the past and our view of the future are always unclear
We can never accurately report on what has gone before
Nor can we accurately predict what is to come
The former and future are always hidden in the gloom of time 
Not even today is really clear
We are a tick of a clock in a stretch of time
We are a moment in the life of the universe
We are a speck of dust in a billion galaxies 
But this tick, this moment, this spec, oh how beloved, oh how treasured!
The creator of chronology
The architect of ages
The designer of durations 
Chose us before he created the world
Before time existed, before occasions, before instances, before intervals, before periods
God chose to give us a life, a lifetime, a life span
And he invited us into his own time frame, into his own eternity

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