Tuesday 29 January 2019

Rest where you dwell

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
Psalm 91:1

Rest where you dwell
If you dwell in God's shelter, his secret place
You will be able to rest in his presence, where his shadow falls
If you dwell elsewhere you will be too far away to be covered by his shadow
To dwell means to live, to inhabit, to stay
It is a permanent place of residence, a settled home
It is a place of connectedness, of relationship 
You cannot truly rest anywhere except where you dwell

Our place of rest is not to be somewhere else
Not a place to run away to
To seek out in the far distance
But a place of abiding, a secret and hidden place
An enduring habitat rooted in the everyday, planted in the commonplace
Established in the mundane and the normal, in the unexceptional and unremarkable
Not based on geography or location
But to be sheltered by the Most High

To rest is not so much withdrawing to a special place 
But withdrawing with a special person
It is not about defining a spiritual territory 
Rather it is seeing a divine encounter
Rest is no longer an experience to long for
It is now our secured state of being
We do not long for rest but seek to experience it afresh 
The shadow of the Almighty will welcome us to his dwelling 
Our eternal home

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