Saturday 26 January 2019

Jericho Road

The parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers.....

An expert wanted to understand
Who is my neighbour, what do you command?
From Jerusalem to Jericho a lesson to learn
A man was attacked and shown no concern
Stripped and beaten and left half dead
They robbed him of everything and then simply fled
Jesus used this story, the truth he now showed
Who is my neighbour on Jericho Road?

Priest and Levite saw the man
They crossed the road and simply ran
Ignoring his need, ignoring his pain
Separated and inhumane
A Samaritan poured on oil and wine
Through him God's grace would start to shine
The enemies power began to erode
As truth came to light on Jericho Road

It's not good enough to simply say
God blessings to you as you go on your way
Words and smiles they all may be fine
But if that is all they won't be a sign
We are called by him to be salt and light
Demonstrators of God's justice and might
The power of God through us will explode
Revolution on Jericho Road

So, there were many roads where God's love was not clear 
Bethlehem, Sidon those far and those near
Cana, Ephraim, Nazareth and Nain
Large and small roads still filled with pain
The Good Samaritan is not simply one
We are all here for God's will to be done
Proclaim and demonstrate the freedom from loads
Transformation of all Jericho Roads

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