Friday 14 June 2019

How Long?

My soul is in deep anguish.
How long, Lord, how long?
Psalm 6:3

How long, Lord, how long?
How long will I have to wait?
How long will you delay?
Will it be days or months, could it be years or decades?
Will it be a brief, passing moment?
Or will I have to get used to a new paradigm?

I continue to cry out to you, so I must believe that you are listening
But am I confident that you will not just listen, but answer?
That you will act on my behalf
I wonder what the tipping point of my rescue will be
Will it come suddenly, like an unexpected windfall?
Or will it be slow, barely recognisable, as the changing of seasons?

The question, how long, begins to evolve into other questions 
Why haven't you answered?
Why do you seem to help others and not me?
Am I kidding myself that you are real?
Is this all my own fault?
And the worst accusation of all, do you not care?

Will these questions cause me to give up before your help comes?
Will I have decided that the cost is too high?
Will I simply forget you and seek help elsewhere?
But for the moment, I return to the question
How long, Lord, how long?
For my soul is in deep anguish 

Tuesday 4 June 2019


I speak words, but are they true?
Do they reveal an inner reality or an outward lie?
Are they expressed integrity or hidden duplicity?
Maybe the real question is not are my words true, but are they truly me?

I smile, but has the look on my face made my feelings known?
Or have my facial muscles been dragged into a game of cover up?
Is the smile an overflow of heart, or a decision of will?
Is my heart smiling or is it only my face?

The question comes as it always does, 'How are you?'
I always wonder what answer they want or expect
Do they really want a truthful response?
What will I say?

Part of me wants to simply answer as normal, 'fine thank you'
But I really want to be honest, to be vulnerable 
However, I am concerned that they will look down on me
That I will diminish in their eyes

So, the key questions that I keep dragging into my consciousness:
Who am I?
What am I doing?
What is important?

I want to be provoked to think more, to think clearer, to think deeper
To be unsatisfied with unsatisfactory answers 
To refuse to accept the unacceptable 
To be unwilling to compromise with the compromised

You desire truth in the inner parts, in my inner parts 
Not just an acknowledgment of truth but truth rooted deep within me
That overflows to be a blessing to others 
And brings glory to the King of Truth

Saturday 1 June 2019


Mankind is 'the only animal whose desires increase as they are fed; the only animal that is never satisfied.' (Henry George, nineteenth century American economist)

We are the only animal, whether born or whether bred
Whose desire for satisfaction increase as we are fed
We long for real contentment, we always yearn and crave
But our longing does not satisfy, it is us that they enslave

The urges deep within us are never satisfied 
They only stop afflicting us the day when we have died
To have passion is not the problem, our focus is the key
What are we working hard to find, what is it that we see?

We seek out compensation for the challenges that we face
A little bit of happiness along the road we have to race
But joy seems but impossible, it never stays or lasts
A small measure of hopefulness in a world that seems so vast

Some realise quite early, others never seem to know
That things and stuff and goals and cash aim high but hit too low
How could our own possessions, or adverts on TV
Succeed in bringing peace and calm to any real degree?

So, seek the master's kingdom and all his righteousness 
Your hopes and dreams and all you need will be the Father's 'yes'
So, as we pursue his glory, the great exchange occurs
I lay my soul before him, on me his life confers 

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Holding the future

Whatever the future holds, I know who holds the future
Whatever I will have to face, I know who has faced it before
Whatever temptations I will need to overcome, I know who has been tempted before me
He has been where I am going
He has felt what I will feel
He has heard what I will hear
He has seen what I will see
Nothing that I will have to deal with, has not already been dealt with
No challenges
No confrontations 
No demands
No threats
Have not already been experienced by the master
My way may seem dim and faintly lit to me
But is clearly visible to him
My experience may be like working with a broken sat-nav
He knows where he is going and which road to take
I can be so focused on the destination that I forget to enjoy the journey 
He lives in the moment every step of the way
I need to be still, to be quiet, to cease the constant activity
To be confident that I will be able to run my race, at the right pace and at the right time
And as I cross the finishing line hear him say 'well done"


He passed away, to no one's regret
2 Chronicles 21:20

He passed away
He ceased to breathe
His body now empty of all but flesh
The way of all the world had come his way
He had caused so much death, but now it had arrived on his doorstep 

In life as in death
Lonely and alone
No one cared
Not friend or child, not wife or lover
No one would miss him
People that had bowed at his footstool 
We're now glad that he had gone

His bucket had been truly kicked
He was dead and deadened 
He had been raised up but was now erased 
He had decreased and was now deceased 
He had gone off the rails and was now gone for good

He had no honour
No help in his affliction
No support in his misery 
He showed no remorse
No penitence
No apology
No admission of guilt
What then was his legacy?
He opposed the purpose of God
There would be no burial with the kings 
No one regretted his demise 

Friday 24 May 2019

Fully human

For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way
Hebrews 2:17

What does it mean to be fully human? Each society has to grapple with that question as it seeks to mould its various communities in an acceptable way. The answer to this question, whether explicitly or implicitly considered, will impact how societies develop. We only need to consider Nazi Germany in the thirties to realise that your view of what it is to be human can have profound and fundamental consequences.

The writer to the Hebrews says that Jesus 'had' to be like us and that he was 'fully human in every way.' So, Jesus is fully God and fully human, we are not fully God, but we are fully human. There was no other option for Jesus to pursue, he became human, not for a short period but for all eternity, to fulfil his father's will

To be human is to:
  • Exist in one place at one time
  • Be made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc
  • Be unable to cause yourself to come into existence 
  • Be created from the DNA of a father and a mother
  • Have various needs
    • Oxygen
    • Food
    • Water
    • Rest 
    • Light
    • Shelter
  • Be loved by God
  • Have intrinsic moral value
  • Be part of a family / community
  • To love and to love

To answer the question 'What is a Human Being?', has also been answered in various other ways

"An intelligence served by organs." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
"But breath and shadow, nothing more." (Sophocles)
"The only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be." (William Hazlitt)
"The only animal that contemplates death, and also the only animal that shows any sign of doubt of its finality." (William Ernest Hocking)
"The only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve." (Erich Fromm)
"The only animal whose desires increase as they are fed; the only animal that is never satisfied." (Henry George)

If we want to know what it is to be human, the best way is to look at and learn from Jesus

Wednesday 8 May 2019


One day when Job's sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, a messenger came to Job and said, “The oxen were ploughing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, and the Sabeans attacked and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The fire of God fell from the heavens and burned up the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:

The big question after all of Job's troubles was 'what would he say?' How would he respond to the calamity? What would be the overflow of his life in the midst of tragedy? The pain of loss would open his heart, what would seep out?

“Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the Lord be praised.”
Job 1:20,21

His response came from a humble heart, one that had been shaped by his desire to walk with God in wholehearted devotion. Job does not dance around the difficult issues; he faces them head on. His faith is not a crutch to lean on, his faith points him to a person to lean on. We all need something to lean on, something to trust in difficult times, but rather than trust our faith we are to trust God.