Tuesday 28 May 2019

Holding the future

Whatever the future holds, I know who holds the future
Whatever I will have to face, I know who has faced it before
Whatever temptations I will need to overcome, I know who has been tempted before me
He has been where I am going
He has felt what I will feel
He has heard what I will hear
He has seen what I will see
Nothing that I will have to deal with, has not already been dealt with
No challenges
No confrontations 
No demands
No threats
Have not already been experienced by the master
My way may seem dim and faintly lit to me
But is clearly visible to him
My experience may be like working with a broken sat-nav
He knows where he is going and which road to take
I can be so focused on the destination that I forget to enjoy the journey 
He lives in the moment every step of the way
I need to be still, to be quiet, to cease the constant activity
To be confident that I will be able to run my race, at the right pace and at the right time
And as I cross the finishing line hear him say 'well done"

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