Tuesday 28 May 2019


He passed away, to no one's regret
2 Chronicles 21:20

He passed away
He ceased to breathe
His body now empty of all but flesh
The way of all the world had come his way
He had caused so much death, but now it had arrived on his doorstep 

In life as in death
Lonely and alone
No one cared
Not friend or child, not wife or lover
No one would miss him
People that had bowed at his footstool 
We're now glad that he had gone

His bucket had been truly kicked
He was dead and deadened 
He had been raised up but was now erased 
He had decreased and was now deceased 
He had gone off the rails and was now gone for good

He had no honour
No help in his affliction
No support in his misery 
He showed no remorse
No penitence
No apology
No admission of guilt
What then was his legacy?
He opposed the purpose of God
There would be no burial with the kings 
No one regretted his demise 

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