Tuesday 4 June 2019


I speak words, but are they true?
Do they reveal an inner reality or an outward lie?
Are they expressed integrity or hidden duplicity?
Maybe the real question is not are my words true, but are they truly me?

I smile, but has the look on my face made my feelings known?
Or have my facial muscles been dragged into a game of cover up?
Is the smile an overflow of heart, or a decision of will?
Is my heart smiling or is it only my face?

The question comes as it always does, 'How are you?'
I always wonder what answer they want or expect
Do they really want a truthful response?
What will I say?

Part of me wants to simply answer as normal, 'fine thank you'
But I really want to be honest, to be vulnerable 
However, I am concerned that they will look down on me
That I will diminish in their eyes

So, the key questions that I keep dragging into my consciousness:
Who am I?
What am I doing?
What is important?

I want to be provoked to think more, to think clearer, to think deeper
To be unsatisfied with unsatisfactory answers 
To refuse to accept the unacceptable 
To be unwilling to compromise with the compromised

You desire truth in the inner parts, in my inner parts 
Not just an acknowledgment of truth but truth rooted deep within me
That overflows to be a blessing to others 
And brings glory to the King of Truth

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