Saturday 1 June 2019


Mankind is 'the only animal whose desires increase as they are fed; the only animal that is never satisfied.' (Henry George, nineteenth century American economist)

We are the only animal, whether born or whether bred
Whose desire for satisfaction increase as we are fed
We long for real contentment, we always yearn and crave
But our longing does not satisfy, it is us that they enslave

The urges deep within us are never satisfied 
They only stop afflicting us the day when we have died
To have passion is not the problem, our focus is the key
What are we working hard to find, what is it that we see?

We seek out compensation for the challenges that we face
A little bit of happiness along the road we have to race
But joy seems but impossible, it never stays or lasts
A small measure of hopefulness in a world that seems so vast

Some realise quite early, others never seem to know
That things and stuff and goals and cash aim high but hit too low
How could our own possessions, or adverts on TV
Succeed in bringing peace and calm to any real degree?

So, seek the master's kingdom and all his righteousness 
Your hopes and dreams and all you need will be the Father's 'yes'
So, as we pursue his glory, the great exchange occurs
I lay my soul before him, on me his life confers 

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