Tuesday 7 May 2019

Look carefully, listen closely and give attention

Look carefully, listen closely and give attention to everything I tell you.
Ezekiel 44:5

Peer and view carefully 
Survey and gaze attentively 
Behold and glimpse meticulously 
Observe and watch thoroughly 
Regard and scrutinise thoughtfully 

Hear and concentrate
Give heed and tune in
Hang on his words and take notice
Lend an ear and listen 
For God is imminent and adjacent 

So, don't just look, don't just listen, give careful attention
Consider and deliberate
Contemplate and ponder
Immerse and be engrossed 
Be diligent in your thoughtfulness 

As your eyes see and your ears hear
As you allow image and sound to illuminate your mind
As you focus clearly on what is said
You will have the understanding and clarity to respond
To speak with wisdom and authority 

You cannot give out that which hasn't been taken in
You cannot describe something that you haven't seen
Or explain if you are yet to hear
But when your attention is fully given
You will see and hear more than you ever thought possible 

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