Tuesday 29 January 2019

Rest where you dwell

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
Psalm 91:1

Rest where you dwell
If you dwell in God's shelter, his secret place
You will be able to rest in his presence, where his shadow falls
If you dwell elsewhere you will be too far away to be covered by his shadow
To dwell means to live, to inhabit, to stay
It is a permanent place of residence, a settled home
It is a place of connectedness, of relationship 
You cannot truly rest anywhere except where you dwell

Our place of rest is not to be somewhere else
Not a place to run away to
To seek out in the far distance
But a place of abiding, a secret and hidden place
An enduring habitat rooted in the everyday, planted in the commonplace
Established in the mundane and the normal, in the unexceptional and unremarkable
Not based on geography or location
But to be sheltered by the Most High

To rest is not so much withdrawing to a special place 
But withdrawing with a special person
It is not about defining a spiritual territory 
Rather it is seeing a divine encounter
Rest is no longer an experience to long for
It is now our secured state of being
We do not long for rest but seek to experience it afresh 
The shadow of the Almighty will welcome us to his dwelling 
Our eternal home

Monday 28 January 2019


"Can I ask you a theological question?"

Without much enthusiasm, "Go on then."

"Is everything that God does necessary? Meaning that because God is perfect and everything, he does is perfect, he could not act in any other way. That his own nature ensures that he only does certain things. Could that mean that the all-powerful God is only able to act in a very narrow and constrained way? That his choice of action in every circumstance is limited to only act in the single, perfect way without choice on his part?"


"Ok, shall I start tea?"

After a tea of sausage, chips, beans, fried onions and mushrooms, which was superb if I do say so myself, I considered further and thought that Alison may possibly be right. Not the first time in our thirty-six years of marriage that this crazy thought has crossed my mind!

My question implied that somehow God was restricted and constrained by his perfect nature. This is of course the opposite to the truth. God is gloriously liberated by his ability to act in the best way possible every time. We can be haunted by the decisions that we have or have not taken, wishing that we had chosen a different path. We can be in bondage to the 'what ifs' of our past and frozen into inactivity as we consider the future

Not so with God, he is totally free and able to do what is right, for his own glory and for the blessing of his creation. This was true yesterday, it is true today and will be true for every tomorrow 

Saturday 26 January 2019

Jericho Road

The parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers.....

An expert wanted to understand
Who is my neighbour, what do you command?
From Jerusalem to Jericho a lesson to learn
A man was attacked and shown no concern
Stripped and beaten and left half dead
They robbed him of everything and then simply fled
Jesus used this story, the truth he now showed
Who is my neighbour on Jericho Road?

Priest and Levite saw the man
They crossed the road and simply ran
Ignoring his need, ignoring his pain
Separated and inhumane
A Samaritan poured on oil and wine
Through him God's grace would start to shine
The enemies power began to erode
As truth came to light on Jericho Road

It's not good enough to simply say
God blessings to you as you go on your way
Words and smiles they all may be fine
But if that is all they won't be a sign
We are called by him to be salt and light
Demonstrators of God's justice and might
The power of God through us will explode
Revolution on Jericho Road

So, there were many roads where God's love was not clear 
Bethlehem, Sidon those far and those near
Cana, Ephraim, Nazareth and Nain
Large and small roads still filled with pain
The Good Samaritan is not simply one
We are all here for God's will to be done
Proclaim and demonstrate the freedom from loads
Transformation of all Jericho Roads


The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves
Hebrews 10:1

So often we talk about shadows in a negative way
The malevolent lurking in the shadows
A dark shadow crosses his face
The cloud blocks out the sun leaving a shadow across the ground
But a shadow is 'only a shadow' 
It is not concrete 
It does not exist in isolation
No shadow is an island
A shadow always is the result of something else
The sun
A lamp
The shadow calls attention but not to itself
It has no existence without a cause
It is the combination of light and things
Bright and objects
Sun and stuff
When you see a shadow, you look back to what has masked the light
Then further to the source of the dark outline
A shadow humbles itself before the light
It cannot compete with the brilliance of luminous energy
A shadow shows an outline, a skeleton, a framework
Pointing toward the reality itself
A shadow can reveal a synopsis, never all the detail
To know fully we must leave the shadow behind
Choose not to be satisfied with the silhouette 
Focus on what is authentic and genuine
Seek the realities themselves

To please God

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please God, 
1. because anyone who comes to him must 
2. believe that he exists 
3. and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him

This verse teaches that to have faith in God means
  1. Coming to God
  2. Believing that he exists
  3. Trusting that there is personal benefit for seeking God
True faith must have these three elements otherwise it is incomplete
  1. If we don't come to God even if we believe in him and that he rewards us we will not encounter him
  2. We cannot come to someone we don't believe in
  3. If we don't believe that there is a reward for us, even if we believe in him and seek to come to him, we will not find him

Sunday 20 January 2019

Twist arms

If you have to twist arms to give,
Then alms giving has been twisted

Is God worthy of worship?

How can you tell if God is worthy of worship?

Follow the above flow diagram, starting with the question, 'is God Good?'


Tuesday 15 January 2019

The clock ticks

In the stillness of the chapel the clock ticks
They sit quietly and consider
The polished wood releases its historic smell and triggers latent memories
Varnish and damp combine to unlock the door to the past
Each one trying to recapture a former time, another era
The clock ticks
These few minutes of near silence give space to listen and think, to ponder and pray
To give space to what is important
They look around at the others, wandering what is happening inside their private thoughts
Are minds wandering, trying to focus but being led astray?
Is God drawing near, or does he seem a distant stranger?
The clock ticks
Why are they here and why do they keep returning?
The stillness ends as they finish with a prayer

The door is closed and locked, yet still the clock ticks
Unbothered by the empty pews
Independent of everything except the small charge of electricity and the laws of physics
For the next seven days the hands continue to move at different speeds
Does the clock tick if there is no one to hear the sound?
A week later the door is opened and the few find their places again
A hymn is sung, a Bible passage is read, and a prayer is spoken
The clock ticks and maintains its unruffled, circular sweep 
For generations a clock has presided over the affairs of the chapel
Many have come and gone, loved and laughed, cried and mourned
Will the clock's batteries last, will they need to be replaced?
Will the tick of the clock endure, or will it gradually die?

The clock ticks, regular and rhythmical 
It ticks during the spring as the land germinates and the lambs leap
The warmth of summer and the hazy sunshine are punctuated by its tempo
Autumn turns to winter, yellow leaves become frosted 
The clock taps out its beat, tick, tick, tick, tick
Another year passes, 'time and tide wait for no man'
The ticking clock is the same, it continues its work without fear or favour
Each second is announced with the same hushed fanfare as the previous one
It may look as if time itself is dependent on the clock's mechanism
But of course, that is not the case, time will continue whether the clock ticks or not
But the clock ticks on
Its life continues without a break

The door opens again, and preparations are made for another gathering
Lights and heating are switched on, old hymn books are placed on freshly dusted pews
A larger than usual congregation sit and stand, sing and pray, listen and think
The clock ticks
Words of sadness and regret are spoken, memories of former times return
There has been a past but now there will no longer be a future
Hope has been deferred for too long, hearts have become sick
The door closes and is locked for the final time
The damp is left to its own devices, no one will hold back the slow tide of dust
Cobwebs will be built by undisturbed spiders 
The clock stops ticking, but no one is there to hear the silence

Years later the door is opened once more, the chapel lies broken and bruised
Down but not out
The clock is taken down from its place on the wall, a new battery is found
The clock ticks again

Friday 11 January 2019


Friend of God, friend of sinners
Friend of losers, friend of winners
Friend of the truthful, friend of the lying 
Friend of the living, friend of the dying

Friend of people, friend of priest
Friend of kings, friend of the least
Friend of the lonely, friend of the crowd
Friend of the masses, friend of the proud

Friend of followers, friend of leaders
Friend of writers, friend of readers
Friend of the menders, friend of the makers
Friend of the givers, friend of the takers

Friend of the cautious, friend of the shy
Friend of the down and out, friend of the high
Friend of the prisoner, friend of the paroled 
Friend of the young, friend of the old

Friend of the downcast, friend of the cheery
Friend of the hopeful, friend of the weary
Friend of the strong, friend of the weak
Friend of the good, friend of the meek

Friend for tomorrow, friend for today
Friend for the resting, friend for the fray
Friend for the downhill, friend for the climb
Friend for the days ahead, friend for all time

Friday 4 January 2019

Taking pleasure

Taking pleasure is one of the few things that does not diminish but enhances the object that is taken from. Taking is usually a zero-sum game. If you and I both have ten pounds and I take two of yours, then I have twelve pounds and you have eight. I have gained but you have lost, I increased my wealth but decreased yours. There is of course still a total of twenty pounds, we have not increased but simply redistributed the wealth

How different it is with pleasure, because taking pleasure is not a zero-sum game. If I have taken pleasure from someone then I have gained, and the other has not been diminished. However, it is better than that; my taking pleasure actually enhances the one in whom I find pleasure. They will find pleasure in me taking pleasure. But it is even better than that! As I take pleasure in someone and they find a deepening pleasure themselves, then others will see and want to participate. It is amazing that there is enough pleasure to go around!