Friday 22 March 2019


For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
Romans 8:19-21

The wind blows and clouds form in the blue sky, below River continues its flow towards the ocean. River and Cloud look so different but are in fact made of the same material. This common formation shared between water and vapour mean that they both understand things in a similar way, they have a mutual appreciation of each other. River communicates and Cloud understands clearly, Cloud has felt this same yearning for as long as it could remember.  They both know that their existence, whilst beautiful in so many ways, is not yet as the Originator intended. Deep within them both, is the promise that one day they will be joyously liberated into a new way of existing

River and Cloud don't know how they know, but they do. They have never had eyes so cannot see, no ears so cannot hear. Yet somehow, ever since the Originator first created them, they knew of the liberation promise. For millennia they have known what it is to decay, they understand that their molecular structure is corroding and crumbling. The destructive power of the universe in which they exist is causing them to degrade inside. How long they can continue in this vein they do not know, although frustrating, they have learned to wait. Their very being is focused on the Originator, eagerly anticipating his culmination plan

It was the Originator's plan to leave River and Cloud, and the rest of creation, in a state of unfulfillment. Not because he didn't care but because he saw a better way. This was a mark of supreme self-sacrifice, to hold all of creation in bondage until the magnificent liberty that was to come. The Originator would bring forth the mortal kind, his mortal kind, at the cost of his son. The result of this sublime and monstrous act would be the glorious freedom of mortal and formation. Daughter and Son joining with River and Cloud, Mountain and Bird, Rock and Galaxy, Flower and Sun all celebrating the wonder of the new creation

River and Cloud would face the future together. They did not know when the promise would be fulfilled, but they had confidence in the Originator. He had made them a commitment and they believed he could be trusted. So, River continued flowing to the sea and Cloud was blown around in the sky before releasing its water onto the earth. Both accepting their frustration, knowing that the liberation promise would one day change everything 

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