Friday 1 March 2019

Be Still

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10

When the world is screaming and its sound is overwhelming
"Be still"
When the sharp voice pierces your skin and penetrates your head
"Be still"
When the importance of the decisions that need to be made blunts the heart
"Be still"
Slow your thoughts, slow your eyes and ears, slow your imagination 
Let your eye lids close and your breathing become quiet
Do not look forward into the future, neither glance back to try to understand the past
Linger in the moment
"Be still"
Allow your heart beat to gradually become more measured
Relax as you sit and rest
Recognise, for the time being, that your hopes and fears are out of place and do not need to be given space
Your gifts and calling, your role and responsibilities, your passions and desires all need to be left in storage behind a locked door
Embrace inactivity, welcome inertia as a friend
Do not fill this waking moment
But do not empty your mind, rather allow your thoughts to focus clearly
"Be still and know that I am God"
Words not spoken from Earth but spoken from heaven 

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