Saturday 16 March 2019

I'm a Twerp

I'm a twerp, I'm a twit
I'm a fool, I'm a nit
I'm a dork, I'm a fool
I'm a dunce, I'm not cool
I'm a clown, I'm a clod
I'm an oaf, I'm quite odd
I'm a nerd, I can't cope
I'm a goon, I'm a dope

I'm a stupid, moron, brain dead
I'm a cretin, numskull, bonehead
I'm a buffoon, dumbbell, dimwit
I'm a looser, bruiser, halfwit

I try all I can but it's futile 
And often I get things so wrong
But God's power is made perfect in weakness
And I know when I'm weak I am strong

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