Monday 31 December 2018


For something to start, something must finish
To have a now we must say goodbye to before
For tomorrow to come we cannot continue with today
The past is always gone, never to reappear 
The future is always just beyond our reach
We cannot stay the same, we are always changing
The world we once knew has drifted away 
And the world we now know will one day do the same
Our view of the past and our view of the future are always unclear
We can never accurately report on what has gone before
Nor can we accurately predict what is to come
The former and future are always hidden in the gloom of time 
Not even today is really clear
We are a tick of a clock in a stretch of time
We are a moment in the life of the universe
We are a speck of dust in a billion galaxies 
But this tick, this moment, this spec, oh how beloved, oh how treasured!
The creator of chronology
The architect of ages
The designer of durations 
Chose us before he created the world
Before time existed, before occasions, before instances, before intervals, before periods
God chose to give us a life, a lifetime, a life span
And he invited us into his own time frame, into his own eternity

Saturday 29 December 2018

A song from heaven

A song from heaven in perfect key
My ears didn't hear, and my eyes couldn't see
I would face the music and be set free
From the selfishness that made me, me

God humbled himself and his body bled
The tune went quiet and ground turned red
Silence grew as his notes were shed
The ballard of heaven soon was dead

In the tomb the harmony was still and mute
Yet the sound of God was resolute 
The melody awoke and saw the world salute
The Conductor's anthem his attribute 

I now will sing and play my part
Before this stage my life depart
The staves and bars their truth impart
My goal to know the musician's heart

Friday 28 December 2018

Will I love you?

Will I love you when I'm old, when my body turns so cold?
Will I love you when I'm frail, when darkness brings its veil?
Will I love you when I'm tired, when my brain seems wrongly wired
I do not know, but I promised long ago

Will I love you if there's pain, when I no longer can explain?
Will I love you all the time, facing a new paradigm?
Will I love you when I'm sad, when all options seem so bad?
I do not know, but I promised long ago

Will I love you as I die, when I breathe a still goodbye?
When my eyes are closed for good, when my body's still like wood
Will I love you though it's strange, when I face the great exchange?
I do not know, but I promised long ago

Will I love you when I'm gone, when the kingdom starts to dawn?
The 'till death do us part' revealing our shared heart 
Will I love you now I cry, as eternity goes by?
I then will know, because I promised long ago

Monday 24 December 2018

Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel

Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel are not just the words from a beautiful carol but a heart's cry for God to be among us. Not just 'come' but 'oh come.' Not just 'oh come' but 'oh come, oh come.' The writer wanted to express something of the urgency that the people felt, their desperate need, the depth of the feeling of their separation from God himself. 

God had visited his people at various times and in many ways, sometimes to individuals or to a few but at other times to the whole nation. However, for hundreds of years God had been mainly silent, his word was not heard. Did he still care? Did he want to dirty his hands in the mess of human life? Had he given up on his people? So many questions, so many prayers, so much longing, so many questions, so few answers

There is something in the heart of people that can only be satisfied by a present God. That is why it is so sad and heart breaking when God seems to have distanced himself. The longing is still there but no corresponding fulfilment, the yearning drives the feeling of isolation that cannot be overcome

This longing is seen again at the end of the Bible, John writes the last recorded prayer in Scripture 'Amen. Come Lord Jesus.' Revelation 22:20. Even though Jesus had lived, died, been raised from the dead, ascended back to the Father and poured out the Holy Spirit, there was still a yearning for him to come again, for God to reveal himself in a fuller way

In response to the cry of 'Oh come, oh come Emmanuel' came the Messiah himself, the response of God to the 'Amen. Come Lord Jesus' prayer will be the same, Jesus the Messiah coming to fulfil his father's eternal plan

Monday 17 December 2018

Sister & Brother

So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.”
Hebrews 2:11,12

My very best friend, my sister
The one at his wits end, my brother
The party's nominee, my sister
The prisoner set free, my brother
The special forces elite, my sister
The prostitute on the street, my brother
The babe in arms, my sister
The worker on the farm, my brother
The native in the mist, my sister
The Islamic extremist, my brother
The child that's too loud, my sister
The actor before the crowd, my brother
The one who disagrees, my sister
The priest in the diocese, my brother
The aunt and the mother, my sister
The uncle and the father, my brother
The Witness of the resurrection, my sister
The Messianic perfection, my brother

Sunday 16 December 2018

True Worship

The warrior rode closer to the edge of the drop and saw the city in the distance, he gazed down from the high plateau. From this raised vantage point he could see the whole city surrounded by walls with buildings scattered like dice on a table. He wasn't a man to be intimidated but the size and the strength of the city meant that he had to get his thinking under control. He had a mission to accomplish and nothing could get in its way

The few men who were with him saw his anxious face but said nothing. They had been at his side for many years, they had seen him victorious on many occasions and trusted his judgement. Where he went, they would go as well. The warrior spoke to his horse who began to move on down the side of the hill, the men following. As the sun rose, they drew nearer to the city gates, huge timber doors surrounded by a large stone edifice. The watchman on the wall blew his trumpet and a few minutes later the doors opened, and the welcoming party rode out to towards the warrior

The warrior and his men looked around them as they were led to the guest's quarters. After their horses were stabled for the night, they were offered clean clothes and were led through to a dining room where food was laid out for them. After eating the warrior was taken to have an audience with the King, the reason for the long journey was about to be enacted

The warrior approached the King, every eye was focused on him. His reputation went before him and therefore the anticipation in the room was high. The King rose from his throne and walked down the steps towards the warrior, his dazzling robes caressing each step as he went. The warrior undid his belt buckle and slowly placed his sword on the floor. He had already been searched before he entered the room, this act was purely symbolic and emphasised his weakness before the King's strength

The King was flanked by his own body guards, each was dressed in rich robes and were heavily armed. Even the King had a razor-sharp weapon in a richly jewelled scabbard. The warrior approached the King and stopped in front of him. No words were spoken, none was needed. The warrior slowly dropped first to his knees, then laid at the King's feet. The warrior knew that this would be the key moment in ensuring that his mission be fulfilled

As he laid there, he could smell the King, his sweat mixed with fine perfume was almost overpowering. The stench of flesh and the aroma of wealth combined. He was totally in the hands of the most powerful man on earth. He could be killed or allowed to live, mutilated horribly or honoured, but the choice was out of his hands. In a strange way this act of bowing was true adulation, the warrior humbled and prostrate was laying his life voluntarily before his master

The warrior understood what it meant to give yourself to someone else, this was the ultimate example of ignoring your own status. He had not been forced, he had voluntarily submitted himself knowing it was what he wanted to do. He had lowered himself physically to demonstrate what he felt inwardly. It was almost an act of intimate connection as the two men occupied the same space, breathed the same air and focused on each other

He remained still for a few seconds, then the warrior grasped the Sovereign's feet in his hands and kissed them, lip to toe. This was an act of true worship

The Greek word proskunéō; translated worship in the New Testament means to kiss, adore. To worship, do obeisance, show respect, fall or prostrate before. Literally, to kiss toward someone, to throw a kiss in token of respect or homage. The ancient oriental (especially Persian) mode of salutation between persons of equal ranks was to kiss each other on the lips; when the difference of rank was slight, they kissed each other on the cheek; when one was much inferior, he fell upon his knees and touched his forehead to the ground or prostrated himself, throwing kisses at the same time toward the superior. It is this latter mode of salutation that Greek writers express by proskunéō. In the New Testament generally, to do reverence or homage to someone, usually by kneeling or prostrating oneself before him.
The NIV Complete Word Study Bible

Friday 14 December 2018


I will rest in your presence and seek to know your ways
To find that my heart grows soft and increasingly obeys

I will sit in your presence and seek to be at ease
Stop focusing on my issues and responsibilities

I will stand in your presence, secure and loved and true
Lifting up my eyes to you to gain a better view

I will walk in your presence as I make my daily way
Following in your footsteps, a lifetime to obey

I will gaze upon your presence and finally see your face
To know and be known by you, to dwell within your space

Standing with my family around your holy throne
My King is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone

Saturday 8 December 2018

He could not change what he had done

He pushed the door and looked into the chapel, there was an old man in a crumpled coat playing a battered organ. Dotted around the pews were a handful of people trying to sing in time with the music but failing badly. The door creaked as he pushed it shut but no one turned around, he slid into the back row and picked up the hymn book. He asked himself for the umpteenth time why was he here, he hadn't been inside a place of worship since he was a boy

Then, he had been intrigued by the sounds and smells of the dark, gloomy building. He had no idea what was going on but somehow, in his young chaotic life, he found the slow formality of the service somehow reassuring. He only really went to get away from the violence of his home, this was his safe place in a dangerous childhood. He had sat in the same pew he now occupied, the smell of the varnished wood transporting him back the four decades. He remembered the sweetly smelling ladies who would approach him and a couple of other kids at the end of the service to see if they wanted a cup of squash and a biscuit. He always said yes even though the squash was so weak it was little more than dyed water

The ladies were kind to him and always asked him if he was coming the next week. His answer was always the same, he would be there if he could but wasn't sure. He never knew what home would be like from one day to the next, he couldn't be sure if there would be marks on his face that would prevent him from going out. Over the months his attendance at chapel decreased as the frequency of the marks increased, soon he stopped going all together

The hymn came to the end, the crumpled old man got up from the organ and slowly climbed into the pulpit and announced the reading. Hebrews chapter twelve, verses fourteen to seventeen. He had no Bible to look at, not that having a book would have helped as he couldn't read very well. And even if he could read, he had no idea what or where Hebrews was, he wouldn't have wanted to embarrass himself by asking for help 

He listened as the old man began to speak, he didn't really understand what the talk was all about. He relaxed into the hard pew and tried to concentrate on what was being said. His mind began to wander as the words went on and on and the radiators pushed out their heat, his eyes began to close, and he tried desperately to stay awake. After around thirty minutes he could take it no longer, he quietly got up and pulled open the creaking door and walked out into the cold winter's morning

He walked across the road and sat down on a bench facing a small park. It was cold but his thick, heavy overcoat kept in some of the warmth from the chapel. His mind wandered back again to when he was younger, this time he wasn't eight but eighteen. He had sat on this bench alone and frightened. His mother had walked out, no longer willing to face his father's drunken rages. He couldn't blame her except she had not taken him with her, he was left alone with his father. He had lasted only three weeks before it came to a head, his father had bought yet another bottle and watched the football. His team had conceded two goals in the last ten minutes and the rage returned. The punches and kicks landed leaving not just marks but broken bones and finally a broken heart. He left never to return

He looked up from the bench and saw an old couple arm in arm, coming towards him. They looked happy and content being together as they enjoyed the winter sun. He recognised the crumpled coat from the chapel and looked away not wanting to engage in conversation. However, the couple came closer and walked up to him. An hour later he was sat at their dining room table tucking into a plate of roast beef and all the trimmings. He found out that the old couple had retired to the area around twenty years ago and that gradually they had found themselves doing almost everything in the chapel. Over the years the older members of the congregation had died or were moved by their children into homes. As numbers dropped this couple took on more and more until eventually there was virtually no one else who could help

After the meal, sat in a cosy sitting room drinking coffee, he told them more of his story. After leaving home he drifted from street to street, sometimes sleeping rough other times, when his luck was in, he got a bed in a hostel. Unable to find work, unable to find a home, unable to find anything at all really, his life drifted into a frightening place. The booze inevitably became drugs and the drugs stole any perspective that he might have had

As the afternoon went on, the couple continued to listen to his sad story. They were good listeners, they only spoke to clarify certain points or to encourage him to continue. They were genuinely interested in not only hearing but understanding the details of his life. Even as the story got harder to tell he did not feel judged or condemned, but rather that they inexplicably accepted him for who he was. But more than that, they seemed to believe that he had a future, that his life was not over

The old man got up to switch on more lights and to pull the curtains. The afternoon was turning colder and darker, and his story was running in the same direction. As he continued the story, he became slower and slower, large gaps appeared between sentences. He told the old couple that he had got involved with a gang, that he started carrying drugs but ended up being the fixer for a small-time gang boss. Suddenly as the clock approached five, he jumped up, grabbed his thick coat, thanked them for the meal, opened the door and hurried out into the street and was gone 

The following Sunday, on their way to chapel, the old couple wondered whether he would return. They talked at length about his sad story and hoped that they would have the chance to see him again. During the service they kept their eyes and ears opened, but the door didn't creek. The old man preached again but didn't see the door open although he did see a shadow through the frosted rear window. He lost his train of thought and began to mumble bits of his sermon, nothing very unusual there but his wife noticed and understood

Four weeks passed until he was seen again, but this time was not in chapel but in a doorway with his thick coat pulled around him. The old couple were out shopping one cold afternoon when they saw a bundle in the doorway. The would have walked past but recognised the thick coat and soon were talking with him and again insisting that he come home for a meal. It took them longer this time to convince him but as the temperature dropped and the thought of a hot meal remained stubbornly in the front of his mind, he agreed

As he walked back to the couple's home, he tried to unpick the reason for accepting their invitation. For years since being let out he kept away from any kindness, preferring to keep others at a distance. The last person he had got close to, ended up, well, he pushed the thought from his mind. They were different, not like others who had tried to show him concern, but always looked down on him. They accepted him as an equal and seemed genuinely pleased to have him in their company. To them he was not a project that needed to be risk assessed, budgeted for and written up. But rather a brother, an uncle, a son who they wanted to be part of their family

He woke up suddenly, the room was dark but still vaguely warm. There was a faint glow in the grate as the embers tried to hang onto life but were gradually failing. He was slumped on the settee with a soft, woollen blanket covering him, his mind investigated the situation and he began to piece things together in his mind. Last night he had told them everything; the hit, the arrest, the court case, the sentence and finally the years in prison. They had listened without commenting, but their faces had encouraged him to tell the full story. Their eyes had welled up in tears as he talked of the beatings, the solitary confinement, the fear and finally the rapes. He told them of his feelings of disgust, his self-harm and his suicide attempts. He let it all pour forth, he held nothing back

This time he didn't get up before he had finished, he sat quietly waiting for their reaction. They both were silent for a few minutes, the clock ticking in the corner. Slowly and with great tenderness the old couple began to tell him of the forgiveness and reconciliation that could be found in Christ. They explained simply but clearly how God's purpose for him was to know Jesus and to commit his life to him wholeheartedly. As they talked, he understood very little but in a strange way, he realised that how he responded was to be the defining point of his life. He was stood at a cross road and the direction he now followed would affect everything

The winter gradually withdrew to make way for the spring, the seasons rolled into years and his life changed. The warm wind blew the curtains and knocked quietly against the window. He gradually woke and turned over and felt the warmth of his wife lying next to him. She sighed slightly and turned to face him, he kissed her gently before their bedroom door burst open and two bundles of life landed on their bed. A boy and girl both with their mother's look, giggling they snuggled up to mummy and daddy in bed. He pretended to snore loudly, and they tried to tickle him awake, eventually he picked them both up and took them downstairs and found breakfast

Later that day he gazed down from the pulpit, dozens of faces looked back at him. Many had been where he had been but now had found their lives transformed. He looked to the battered organ pushed away at the back of the chapel, how he missed the old couple who had made such an impact on his life. So much had changed over the years, he could hardly recognise himself. His family were on the front row, they had gradually got used to dad being the church pastor and they loved the chaotic community that had grown around them

The congregation began to sing the great Charles Wesley hymn, And Can It Be. He found tears welling up in his eyes as he sang these words:
My chains fell off, my heart was free
I rose, went forth and followed thee

So accurately did the words describe how he felt that he thought that they could have been written just for him. As the hymn finished, he led those gathered in repeating these words over and over again. The singing rose to a crescendo as many of the broken and damaged realised afresh that their past had been dealt with. The singing became quiet and finally finished with many wiping tears from their eyes

He announced his text, Hebrews chapter twelve. Unlike all those years ago, he knew that Hebrews was a letter in the Bible that had been written to Jewish Christians. He found it and read the passage, explaining the implications of rejecting God's love and grace. He spoke the language of ordinary people; the congregation knew of his past and loved him anyway. He was an example of how people could have their lives put back together. If only the old couple could see him now, they would be so proud of him, recognising their small part in God's plan for his life

The door creaked and he looked up, he had purposely not oiled the hinges. He wanted to be reminded of his visit to the chapel all those years ago when he first met the old couple. Over the years, the door had creaked many times during the meetings when the lost and the lonely had come looking for help. One of the congregation would always get up and sensitively welcome the guest, the chapel called them guests not visitors. Each one would be drawn into the community and invited to eat at one of the homes. The man who came in was a similar age to him and looked vaguely familiar, he wasn't surprised as he met lots of people during his work on the streets

He continued with his sermon but kept an eye on the new guest, he planned to get his family to invite the man home at the end of the service. They always prepared extra food for Sunday lunch, never knowing who would be invited home with them. As his sermon began to draw to a close, he noticed that the guest began to get agitated. This did sometimes happen as the need for a fix overcame their desire to not cause a scene. But this was different, the man was looking round anxiously, and then staring at him with real hatred. He was tapping his hand on the back of the seat in front, getting louder and more frequent. Suddenly the man jumped up and started walking towards the pulpit screaming at the top of his voice. "You f****** bastard, how can you stand there speaking of love.'" The congregation looked stunned, he looked down from the pulpit wondering what was going on. "You destroyed my life you sh*t, and you don't even know who I am!"

The man jumped up onto the stage and climbed the steps of the pulpit screaming obscenities and attacked John who stood there speechless and motionless. The blows landed without being parried and the spittle and snot from the man landed on his face. He was like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth. Two or three of the younger men in the congregation jumped up and pulled the man off their pastor. They firmly but carefully man-handled the man out of the pulpit, off the stage and down the aisle towards the door of the chapel

As he was dragged away, John looked down on the man he had beaten and raped almost daily over a period of more than a year. He glanced at the open Bible and read, 'See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.'

Saturday 1 December 2018


There once was a godhead in glory
Who decided to start a new story
The creator he spoke
The atoms awoke
Mankind was a new category

When Adam saw Eve in the nude
He did not consider it rude
But when they first took the fruit
They of course got the boot
It was down to their bad attitude

There were prophets who came and who went
From God with a message were sent
They told what was right 
And got into a fight
The people refused to repent

For four hundred years it was quiet 
Then came John with a really strange diet
The kingdom is near
The Messiah is here
The response was nearly a riot

The Saviour nailed to a tree
He suffered so all could go free
The promise was this
Eternity bliss
To all who would bow the knee

The mission he gave would unfold
His story would now be retold
Every sinner and saint
Those scared who might faint
By the Spirit would all became bold

Jesus promised that he'd come again
Although nobody really knows when
We look to the sky
And are sure when we die 
Creation will shout it's amen!