Wednesday 28 November 2018

Human being in a 'doing' world

I am a human being, in a doing world
As the work gets harder, and the stress unfurled
There are countless targets, there is always the grind
There are numerous jobs, can life be redefined?

There is loads to do, there is far to go
There are many to please, there's so much to know
There are umpteen problems, there's no end of stuff
There are hordes of issues, will enough be enough?

So, the work is watching how I act and do
Will I follow the multitudes or be one of the few?
Will I set a new direction or follow the trend?
Will the weight of work cause me to stumble and bend?

I long to stop the need to succeed and win
To prevent the stress getting under my skin
To change my focus by step and degree
And stop my doing and to simply be

So, I will sit and rest and wait and see
And find my place in Him not me
To build my life upon the saviour's grace
And cease to run in the human race

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