Monday 12 November 2018

Death, where is your sting?

Death, where is your sting? You are a snake that rears it's ugly head to strike but the venom is absent. You are a lover in the climax of embrace who has nothing to give. You are a boxer with the opponent on the ropes who cannot find the killer punch. You are the Wizard of Oz who finally comes out from behind the curtain and shows his true colours 

You scream and shout and threaten and condemn but that is all you have. You promise much but cannot deliver even a little. You are a failure and an embarrassment, there is nothing you can do to hide the real truth 

You totally misunderstood what you thought was your greatest triumph, the creator hanging on a cross. The nails were not only driven into his hands and feet but also driven into any hope that you had for further distructive gain. How could you not have known? How did you not realise? Why did you have such little appreciation of the Son of God?

Did you think that he could possibly fail, that his power was somehow like yours, limited, weak and brittle? Oh, how you overplayed your hand. You looked at him knowing that you had two pairs without realising that he had a royal flush. But you should have known, everything he had done, while you looked on, would point to your ultimate defeat. Was there really any reason to give you hope?

Your partnership with grave was over as the morning dawn began to break. You looked around for the dead Messiah but found nothing but strips of cloth. Oh, how the disappointment must have crashed into you. Oh, how the fear and the fury must have filled you in equal measure. Like a balloon losing air through a hole, your confidence must have dissipated as your strength seeped away

"Death, where is your sting" is not just a line written by a prophet and quoted in a letter written by one of his disciples. It would be a constant melody singing around in your head, with nothing you can do to bring silence. The grave cannot come to your help because it too has become impotent, with no possibility of victory

The words keep raising up in you like bile in the throat. You look around and realise that you will always be able to answer the question, "death, where is your sting?" You know as well as anyone that your sting has lost its venom and the point been blunted. And worst of all, you having been stripped of all power, will soon be dead forever - truely the death of death!

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