Tuesday 2 October 2018

Muddy Messiah

Muddy Messiah, dribbler divine
Junior Jesus, clothes on the line
Sniffling saviour, story time hears
Hope of all nations, laughter and tears

A babe in arms leading the army of heaven
Growing through childhood at five, six and seven
Puberty beckons neither early nor late
The whole of creation awaiting its' fate

Out with his mates and friend of the sinner
Running to get home in time for his dinner
Brother to sisters and brother to brothers
Precocious child of his father and mother

Champion of heaven, Lord of all time
Falling asleep, the creator sublime
A teenage incarnate with spots and with stubble 
The redeemer who leads mankind from its trouble

Leaving his childhood his glory obscured
Leaving his father, their oneness assured
A carpenter's life with nail and with wood
A visitor in his own neighbourhood 

How could God come and live inside skin?
Made in his image his kith and his kin
No other way to fulfil God's great plan
Jesus the Christ had to become man

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