Thursday 18 October 2018

Good is good

God is good, all the time
Even when you've done the crime
Lying still within your cell
Feeling like you're stuck in hell

God is good, all the time
Even when you fail to climb
Future hopes and future dreams
The world is just not as it seems

Good is good, come what may
Body ageing, hair turns grey
No guarantee how long you've got
Mind slows down, loved ones forgot

God is good, through every hour
Expectations turning sour
Hope defers makes heart grow sick
Mist comes down, fog turning thick

God is good, for years to come 
The pain of loss to overcome
Beloved one for all these years
The end has come, the start of tears

God is good, I knew not why
With hatred deep within my eye
Deserving nothing I turned my back
My self-sufficiency would crack

For all that time my God was good
My depth of sin he understood
He welcomed me with smile of grace 
The son of God my soul embrace
God's still good whatever comes
If I fear what life becomes
Nothing ever changes this
The father stoops, bestows a kiss

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