Monday 10 September 2018

My Story

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story
Psalm 107:2

It is not enough to just tell his story, I must also tell my story. To share how the greatest story ever told has changed the direction of my own journey. How the path of his life crossed the path of my life and altered forever the destination that I was seeking

Once I encountered him my life was different, my goals changed, even how I viewed my past was forever transformed. I could never be the same again, I never wanted to be the same again, something had changed deep within that would have everlasting consequences 

My story changed, not just the overall direction of my life or the plans that I would pursue, but every cell in my body and every second that I breathed would be rooted in another reality. I was, at the same time, both lifted high from the filth and grime of my self-centred existence and humbled low under the sheer weight of God's beauty and magnificence

I heard differently, saw differently, thought differently, walked differently. Everything else was still the same but now I interacted with my surroundings in a new way. Being captivated by my saviour changed how I saw everything else. The lens through which I saw had been re-engineered to enable me to see detail that I had never previously experienced. Blurred images became sharp, dark places were overcome by the light, I could see clearly for the first time and I liked what I saw

How could I not want to tell my story?

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