Tuesday 23 April 2019


I won’t be here to see the flags come down
They fall on the day of departure
They stay low for a time until the gathered come to say farewell
I will still exist 
I will still breathe 
I will still think 
I will still remember 
I just won’t be here
I will be going through what everyone will face one day
My mortal body will no longer function as before 
I will have to face a new future
One chapter is finished, and my story now moves in a new direction
Many will drive-by and see the flags at half-mast and wonder who it is this time
The village has marked each death in this way for many years 
It connects life with death
Will I be able to see the flags from where I am going?
Will I have eyes that can see through time and space?
Will I know what is going on in my former community?
I do not know but I trust the one who does
I will leave behind those who understand my certainty
I will leave behind others who are not sure
I have lived my life knowing that this day would one day take place 
I have tried to be prepared
In some ways I have looked forward to this day
I will see more clearly
Understand more deeply 
Appreciate with greater clarity
And all the questions that I have longed to be answered will no longer seem important 

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