Friday 26 April 2019

A Bruised Reed

Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will bring justice to the nations.
He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth.
In his teaching the islands will put their hope.”

Isaiah 42 1-4

Bruised reed, delayed shoot 
Broken branch, spoiled fruit
Trampled hope, discouraged dream
Damaged faith, low esteem 

Image cracked, false start
Blemished record, imperfect heart
Wounded feelings, clouded view
Mirror darkened; truth untrue 

Love unfounded, hopeless desire 
Prayer unanswered, burned up fire
Crushed and injured, marked and smashed
Oppressed and flawed, shattered and dashed

He will not shout or cry aloud
Or raise his voice before the crowd
A bruised reed he will not break
A smouldering wick he won't forsake 

In faithfulness he will be just
In him alone we put our trust
His kingdom now will come to birth
His peace will reign at last on earth

Wednesday 24 April 2019

The Soldier

The soldier walked slowly towards the boarded-up church; the thick clouds prevented any light from illuminating the scene. There were no street lights, there hadn't been any working in that city district for many weeks. Andrei carried his rifle over his shoulder feeling the strap rub his already sore skin. He felt a deep disillusionment inside, just like the cold winter, effecting every part of him. The government had promised so much but delivered so little. The hope that had once lifted his spirit and given him a reason to live, had been replaced by a deep and bitter lethargy

And yet this slumber had been disturbed by one of the men in his barracks. His new comrade had been transferred from a rural area and the two of them had become close friends. Vaslav was a quiet, softly spoken man who had the rough hands of a farmer. But it wasn't his great size or his peasant accent that impacted Andrei, it was his indomitable and optimistic spirit. Vaslav was different than the other soldiers, everyone said so, but no one could really make out the reason why. Whenever one of the other soldiers tried to pry into his life, Vaslav would quickly and expertly turn the conversation on to another, safer topic 

Andrei wasn't sure what he would find that evening but one of his contacts had told him about the possibility of a small group of Christians meeting secretly in the crypt of the church. Once a proud structure, with its gothic architecture boasting over the city, it was now nearly derelict unable to hold its head high. Years of the state's atheistic policy had suffocated its life and now all that was left was a battered shell. He walked around the derelict building looking for a way to get inside, hidden by some low trees he found a door that had been prised open. He carefully pushed the door trying not to make any noise and stepped inside

Andrei had tried to find out more about Vaslav, he had asked the women in the admin office if she knew anything about him. All she could say was what he already knew, that he was a farmer from a small village a few miles north of the city. Andrei let the matter rest and focused on getting through each day. Keeping warm, dry and well fed were his main aims, only securing some homemade vodka from one of his contacts had a higher priority. But one night the truth began to come out. Andrei woke suddenly from a dream and lay still in his barracks bed, he glanced at Vaslav's bed and was surprised to see it empty. He climbed out of the bed and slowly crept to the bathroom at the end of corridor, his bladder felt full and needed emptying. 

He opened the bathroom door and stopped in his tracks, there sat on some low hot water pipes, with an old book in his hands, was Vaslav. His friend turned in shock and his face stared back, his eyes looking frightened. Vaslav stood up, put the book in his pocket and quickly hurried back to his bed. Over the next few days Vaslav confessed to Andrei that he was one of the secret Christians, he implored Andrei not to tell their sergeant. Believers who were discovered would often lose their job or houses or in some cases were shipped east to be 're-trained.' However, for soldiers, being found practicing a banned religion, it could lead to imprisonment and death

Andrei started to become intrigued with his friend's faith, whenever they had the opportunity Vaslav would talk about the impact that Jesus of Nazareth had on his life. He spoke and revealed an immense gratitude to God and a simple desire to live his life in harmony with his creator. Andrei began to realise that this was what his life was missing, he longed for a deep-rooted peace that would chase away the darkness that he felt. Lying in bed one night he made his decision, he knew that this could be a dangerous and costly path to take but he felt willing to face the dangers. He woke suddenly in the early hours of the next morning, he could hear heavy boots on the concrete floor and heard shouts getting louder. Six fully armed soldiers piled into the barracks and grabbed Vaslav and dragged him out into the corridor and then out into the darkness. Andrei looked around at his bewildered comrades, none of them seemed to have a clue at what was happening. Only Andrei realised what was happening, he closed his eyes and prayed silently for his friend

Andrei moved quietly across the broken floor of the church towards some steps in a corner. In the darkness of the night he could see a flickering glow of candles at the bottom of the steps and to his surprise a sound of people singing. He took his gun from his shoulder and slowly began to descend the staircase, in the dim light he struggled to find his footing. Desperate not to announce his presence he crept closer and closer to the source of the light. He glanced around a large pillar that was holding up the main floor of the building. He could see a small congregation of around ten men and women, standing with their eyes closed, some with their hands raised, quietly singing a simple song

All my heart I give to Jesus
And with joyful song proclaim
I am satisfied with you Lord
Captured by your lovely name

They sang it over and over again, Andrei was captivated. The singing was simple, the tune quite ordinary but the beauty of the atmosphere was almost overwhelming. There was no musical accompaniment, their voices were all that was needed. These people seemed to have received what Vaslav had, they didn't sing about Jesus they sang to him. 

The singing suddenly stopped as Andrei walked into the room, pointing his gun at the simple choir. "How can we help you friend?" One of the men stepped forward, his friendly face seemed to be trying to hide a fear of what might happen next. Andrei didn't respond, he looked at the simple congregation and tried to decide what he should do. How could he know if he could trust all of the group? The state had infiltrated many of these underground churches looking for people that could be useful to the cause. How could he know if one of the small group might be a spy who would report him to the state?

Finally, he spoke, his low, serious voice gave a clear command. "I am here to arrest any true believers, leave now if you are not a real Christian."  Two men and a woman looked around terrified and ran back up the stairs and were gone. Andrei laid his gun carefully in the floor and embraced the man who had spoken. With tears in his eyes he looked into the man's face and said quietly, "my family."

Tuesday 23 April 2019


I won’t be here to see the flags come down
They fall on the day of departure
They stay low for a time until the gathered come to say farewell
I will still exist 
I will still breathe 
I will still think 
I will still remember 
I just won’t be here
I will be going through what everyone will face one day
My mortal body will no longer function as before 
I will have to face a new future
One chapter is finished, and my story now moves in a new direction
Many will drive-by and see the flags at half-mast and wonder who it is this time
The village has marked each death in this way for many years 
It connects life with death
Will I be able to see the flags from where I am going?
Will I have eyes that can see through time and space?
Will I know what is going on in my former community?
I do not know but I trust the one who does
I will leave behind those who understand my certainty
I will leave behind others who are not sure
I have lived my life knowing that this day would one day take place 
I have tried to be prepared
In some ways I have looked forward to this day
I will see more clearly
Understand more deeply 
Appreciate with greater clarity
And all the questions that I have longed to be answered will no longer seem important 

Tuesday 9 April 2019

A God who sings

The Lord your God is with you,
He is mighty to save
He will take great delight in you;
He will quiet you with his love
And rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17

God is with us
Not only within, but among 
Not just close, but joined
Not simply present, but intimately connected 

The colossal God defending his children 
How immense is his liberation power 
The extraordinary one releasing the shackles
The mighty master who brings salvation 

But how can the immortal delight in the mortal?
How can the everlasting find joy in the never-lasting?
Is God's pleasure a response to us, or a sharing with us?
Is there anything in me in which he can delight?

But he will quiet us with his love
He will hush us with his grace
He will bring a stillness to our frantic lives
He will mute the noise battering our senses 

And then a heavenly hymn, a sacred song
Will draw all ears, attract all attentions 
Not an angelic chorus, but the creator himself
The God of heaven rejoicing in his image in man

The notes will rise and fall
The melody taking music to a place that it has never before been
The creator God using his breath and vocal cords to emit sounds
The result is a song

This song is an expression
An overflow of the heart of God 
Rejoicing being transmitted 
A present God singing over us