Tuesday 26 February 2019


His mouth was dry, and he wanted a drink, he reached with his hand to the glass on the small coffee table and lifted it to his lips. At ten years of age he had done this many times before, yet it was still a remarkable achievement. For God to create the heavens and the earth he had to speak, for the boy to reach out to get a drink he simply had to think. His brain was activated, his neurons burst into life sending electrical signals to his muscles. The result was that his hand moved perfectly into place

But getting his hand to pick up the glass was only the first part, the second part involved a complex combination of moving the cup to his mouth, opening his mouth and swallowing at exactly the right time. When he was younger the boy had failed in this task many times, the drink had ended on the carpet, on the sofa or down the front of his tee-shirt. But this time his training helped him accomplish the task perfectly. The same neurons went to work again but this time they were joined by others in a cacophony of electrical impulses. Hand and mouth and the swallow reflex combined to ensure that the liquid entered the body in an appropriate way. Gradually the thirst was quenched

The brilliance of thought is often overlooked. We take it for granted, although even taking something for granted cannot be done without thinking. Every achievement in every land in every time started with a thought. Thinking can create, thinking can awaken possibilities, thinking can ensure that things do not stay the same. Minds have designed worlds, painted cerebral pictures, placed words together in new ways, the thoughts generated in the grey matter really do matter!

Every action of every human being throughout history has been initiated by thinking, we cannot act unless we first think. In the creation account in Genesis we read that God said, 'let there be light.' Those first words were preceded by God's thoughts, 'the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.' Hebrews 11:3

God thought and then he spoke, these commands then formed the universe

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