Tuesday 26 February 2019


Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land—from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Mediterranean Sea, the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. Then the Lord said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” And Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab, as the Lord had said. 
Deuteronomy 34:1-5

Moses looked up at the mountain ahead of him. He knew it was his last journey, the final mountain that he would climb. His end was coming close but the new phase of life for the people was only just beginning. All he had now was to look back, to remember the past, whilst the people had a future as well as a past to consider

Moses stopped for a brief rest, he took a drink and sat on a hard rock. He glanced back down to the valley where he could make out the vast numbers of tents. A new generation on the brink of their inheritance, a people about to fulfil their destiny. And he wasn't going to be part of it. There was not much further to go before he reached the summit, and the summit was his final destination. He set off again and climbed higher, the wind got up and the clouds charged along, seemingly out of control

As he rounded some rocks, he could see the mountain top. A few minutes later he stood just below the highest point, waiting. Over the years he had become sensitive to God, knowing when the Creator was going to reveal himself. If anyone had asked, he wouldn't be able to explain how he knew, he just did. But no one ever raised the question. Moses had spent years meeting with God, it had become a regular occurrence, a 'normal' part of his life. But he never took it for granted, he never became complacent, he never got used to it. He cried out to God daily that he, as the leader of the people, would remain humble, remain teachable

As he waited near the mountain top, he remembered some of the times that God had drawn near. The burning bush in the wilderness, the confrontations with Pharaoh in Egypt, the Exodus, the crossing of the Dead Sea. These were the highlights, the events that would be remembered. But Moses focused on the ordinary days when God had visited him and spoken to him. Sometimes it was words of instruction for the nation, other times it was as a father who simply wanted to talk with a son

Moses knew that shortly God would show him the promised land, part of him longed for that view, but he also felt the depth of disappointment. His arrogant disobedience at the rock meant that God had refused to let him enter the land. He had pleaded with the almighty, but he had been crushed with the words, “Do not speak to me anymore about this matter."

God began to approach, whether in a cloud or in fire was impossible to know. Moses felt the awful presence as a crushing weight, a terrifying breathlessness, a hole in the centre of his being. These feelings soon developed into a depth of peace that could not be explained. Moses knew that whatever happened he was safe in the hands of the God of heaven

Slowly Moses felt the Lord taking him by the hand and leading him the last few steps to the mountain top. Gradually everything came into view and his eyes at last could see. There the Lord showed him the whole land—from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Mediterranean Sea, the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. Moses gazed out seeking to see clearly what he looked at, trying to comprehend the beauty of what he saw. He looked west and north and south and east, he looked at the land with his own eyes, he breathed in the air of promise. He was shown the land of the covenant by the God of the covenant, that was enough

Moses turned to walk back down the mountain, he started to feel the heaviness of God's presence lift, but this was different from normal. He was used to this change as for many years after meeting the Lord, Moses knew the withdrawal of God's presence. However, this time not only did God seem to depart but his own life began to slip away. He had experienced the former, but the latter was a new reality. Moses sat on the ground as his life ebbed and flowed. He laid down and rested his head as his breath became shallow. God looked on as his beloved friend breathed his last, soon they would be separated no longer. For the moment the Lord drew close again, not in heaviness but in an intimate connection with the mortal man. Death was the end of the earthly journey for Moses but the start of a new chapter

God lifted Moses and took him to the burial site, one that he prepared earlier. With great love and tenderness, the human frame was laid into the grave and covered with stony earth. The Lord made sure that the site would not be found, he didn't want the people to honour dead bones but the living words that Moses had spoken

God knew that the next time that Moses would feel his feet on a mountain top there would be another Son, one who didn't just speak the word but who was the living embodiment of the word. The Messiah would meet with Moses and Elijah and talk about the things of God

God looked up from the grave and his eyes sought out another. There by the tent of meeting was Joshua son of Nun, it would be him who would lead the people into the next chapter of the story


And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears, one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life
Hebrews 7:15-16

He cannot expire, he is unperishable
He cannot be spoilt, he is incorruptible 
He cannot be changed, he is immutable 
He cannot be fractured, he is unbreakable
He cannot be restricted, he is uncontainable 
He cannot be defined, he is indescribable
He cannot be captured, he is ungraspable  
He cannot be split, he is indivisible 
He cannot be described, he is invisible
He cannot be destroyed, he is indestructible 


His mouth was dry, and he wanted a drink, he reached with his hand to the glass on the small coffee table and lifted it to his lips. At ten years of age he had done this many times before, yet it was still a remarkable achievement. For God to create the heavens and the earth he had to speak, for the boy to reach out to get a drink he simply had to think. His brain was activated, his neurons burst into life sending electrical signals to his muscles. The result was that his hand moved perfectly into place

But getting his hand to pick up the glass was only the first part, the second part involved a complex combination of moving the cup to his mouth, opening his mouth and swallowing at exactly the right time. When he was younger the boy had failed in this task many times, the drink had ended on the carpet, on the sofa or down the front of his tee-shirt. But this time his training helped him accomplish the task perfectly. The same neurons went to work again but this time they were joined by others in a cacophony of electrical impulses. Hand and mouth and the swallow reflex combined to ensure that the liquid entered the body in an appropriate way. Gradually the thirst was quenched

The brilliance of thought is often overlooked. We take it for granted, although even taking something for granted cannot be done without thinking. Every achievement in every land in every time started with a thought. Thinking can create, thinking can awaken possibilities, thinking can ensure that things do not stay the same. Minds have designed worlds, painted cerebral pictures, placed words together in new ways, the thoughts generated in the grey matter really do matter!

Every action of every human being throughout history has been initiated by thinking, we cannot act unless we first think. In the creation account in Genesis we read that God said, 'let there be light.' Those first words were preceded by God's thoughts, 'the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.' Hebrews 11:3

God thought and then he spoke, these commands then formed the universe

Thursday 21 February 2019

How can this be?

Oh, the greatness of his glory
And the vastness of his grace
Oh, the beauty of his presence
And the wonder of his face

Oh, the grandeur of creation
And the kindness of his love
Oh, the goodness of his nature
And the welcome from above 

How can this be?
Death for him
Life for me 

Oh, the height from which I'd fallen
And the depth of all my sin
Oh, the pain my life had caused him
And the excuse that wore so thin

Oh, the love so undeserving 
And the death he had to know
Oh, the sting of separation 
At the cross so long ago

How can this be?
Death for him
Life for me 

Oh, the joy of my redemption 
And the fullness I now see
Oh, the hope for all my future
And the new life guarantee

Oh, to bow before the saviour
And to lift my heart and sing
Oh, to celebrate his victory 
And to boast in Christ my King

How can this be?
Death for him
Life for me 

And God Said

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Genesis 1:1-3

Father, Son and the Spirit of God
Eternal in fellowship sweet
The time had arrived
Matter would thrive
Creation would be made complete

God didn't need an architect 
A builder, a planner, or tools
His mind would declare 
His glory he'd share
Appearing would be molecules 

But how did God speak without vocal cords?
How could his voice be heard?
Where were the ears?
Who were his peers?
Was there anyone to hear his words?

Did God simply think, or did he proclaim?
Into empty and formless and dark?
Instead of the night
He said 'let there be light'
The logos had found his true mark

However it was, whatever was true
The result is clear for us all 
All the heavens and stars
Those near and those far
For the glory of God would enthral

Friday 8 February 2019


  1. Injection so lethal, injection so cruel
  2. Not a fair fight, not a real duel
  3. Poison flowed deep, running through veins 
  4. Destroying his body, extinguished his brain

  5. He was hung and drawn and chopped in four
The executioner happy to face the gore
His body was hacked and sawn and cut
The soil would mix with blood and gut

On a block of wood his neck was laid
As the guillotine fell the debt was paid
To this abomination he would submit
The severed head and his backbone split

The flames rose high as mankind stooped low
His body and face began to glow
The flames would blacken and singe and burn
The salvation of sinners this act would earn

The firing squad would lift their guns
To make us daughters, to make us sons
The bullets flew towards his chest
No time to make a last request

The Saviour stood as he faced the grave
A suffering servant to release the slaves
Sticks and stones would break his bones
'Father forgive' were the words that he groaned

His hands were tied, his legs were bound
His affliction great, his pain profound
His body shook and the enemy crowed
His faculties stopped as the current flowed

The gallows rose tall as the Father looked down
Deserving a robe, deserving a crown
The Saviour fell quick, his neck in the noose
His love so extreme, his grace so profuse 

The King of the Jews in the chamber of gas
Not on his own but part of the mass
Unspeakable hatred, ineffable love
Tears from the many, tears from above

We sing of the cross, we sing of the nails
The melody sweet, the music prevails
The horror of torture, the terror of death
Air for our singing or last chance of breath

How great was his longing to set us all free
He looked to his Father and then bowed his knee
He went on the death-march, his humanity faced
With the joy set before him the cross he embraced 


If Christ were a train, he couldn't be stopped
If he were a balloon, he couldn't be popped
If he were an onion, he couldn't be chopped 
If he were a trading card, he couldn't be swapped 

If Christ were a criminal, he couldn't be copped
If he were a spinner, he couldn't be topped
If he were an image, he couldn't be cropped
If he were a ball, he couldn't be dropped

If Christ were a branch, he couldn't be lopped
If he were a bucket, he couldn't be slopped
If he were a mine shaft, he couldn't be propped
If he were a floor, he couldn't be mopped

Christ is:
