Tuesday 14 August 2018

What are you reading?

This is the conversation I would love to have while reading my Bible on the train a few days ago. It didn't happen but I am ready if it ever does!

Question Much happening in the world?

Me Oh, I'm not online or checking Facebook but reading

Question What's the book?

Me It's a real classic, a sweeping story full of romance, political intrigue, war, heroism with a fantastic ending. It has parts with songs and poems and has a thread running through it that hooks you in and keeps you wanting more

Question Who is the main character?

Me Initially at the start of the book we see him as a shadowy figure, you are never quite sure who he is or when he will turn up next, even if he really exists at all. Towards the end of the book he becomes a more straight forward character, one who inspires and shatters in equal measure

Question Who wrote it?

Me That's a good question; interestingly it does not have just one author but many. All sorts of people from a nomadic tribesman to Kings in palaces, from government officials to people in food production, they all collaborated to write this masterpiece. It was as if an unknown power was somehow guiding them to write this book

Question Would you recommend it to others?

Me Absolutely, it is thrilling and uplifting but also deeply socking and challenging. Some parts are straight forward to read, others difficult to understand and some seem almost impossible. Not everyone will enjoy the book, some may even find it appalling, but it is very difficult to ignore

Question What is it called?

Me It has different names in different languages, but the English translation is called The Bible

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