Thursday 26 July 2018

Know and Do

Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
John 13:17

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The Son of God dipped a cloth into a bowl and cleaned grime from toe and heel and arch and sole. The build-up of dirt washed away by the saviour of the world. Muck meets Messiah and becomes clean

Jesus asks them if they understand what he has done, do they see beyond the act of cleansing? A drama has been performed, not just following the meal but throughout his ministry. This act of love helps to emphasise the importance of serving one another, not just seeing the example that was set by their Rabbi, but doing what he did

Jesus then highlighted the way to blessing; not just knowing a truth but doing a truth, not just appreciating but acting, not just understanding but putting into practice. Blessing is not just knowing something in theory it's knowing it in the everyday circumstances of life. It is being so excited about God's revelation that it demands that life must be lived differently. It is seeing the beauty of God's word and truth and being desperate to demonstrate that truth to others by incorporating it into everyday life

James 1:22 goes a step further when it says 'Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.' The very word that is meant to bring life and blessing, if not obeyed will actually lead to deception. God's words are too important to be simply understood they must be put into practice, lived out they will lead to us and others being blessed

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