Wednesday 27 September 2017


The kingdom of God is an alternative economy - a different kind of financial system
The kingdom of God is an alternative community - a different kind of neighbourhood
The kingdom of God is an alternative family - a different kind of belonging 
The kingdom of God is an alternative civilisation - a different kind of empire
The kingdom of God is an alternative theology - a different kind of revelation 
The kingdom of God is an alternative society - a different kind of association
The kingdom of God is an alternative nation - a different kind of government
The kingdom of God is an alternative outlook - a different kind of viewpoint 
The kingdom of God is an alternative gathering - a different kind of congregation
The kingdom of God is an alternative future - a different kind of dynasty
The kingdom of God is an alternative jurisdiction - a different kind of sovereignty
The kingdom of God is an alternative power - a different kind of potency

The kingdom of God has an alternative King  - a different kind of sovereign

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