Tuesday 28 April 2015

Law Breaker

I used to break the law, I knew what I was doing and I seemed to be happy to continue to do it. I made excuses, justified in my own mind that I wasn't really that bad, but I still broke the law almost every day of my adult life. About six months ago the penny dropped, after listening to a podcast I was convinced that I needed to change, I needed to start obeying the law, I decided to stop speeding!

I never drove very fast, I tried to stick to the thirty limits in towns and cities, but I was happy to go up to eighty on dual carriageways and motorways. I have driven high mileage for most of the past twenty or more years and considered myself a good driver. I had a clean licence and only once was caught for speeding and that was over fifteen years ago, but I still ignored the law of the land

My plan was to use my cruise control and set it at 30, 40, 50, etc to ensure that I did not go over the limit. I made a decision to try to obey the limit at all time with no opt outs, excuses or flexibility. I would try to obey the speed laws at all times. It has not proven easy and I sometimes forget and find myself going over the limit, but in the main I have followed the rules

One unexpected consequence was the insight that this process has given me in seeking to follow Christ. I have found issues arising as I have tried to keep within the speed limits that have revealed strengths and weaknesses in my character. Here are some examples:

1. I have tried to justify my own breaking of the rules by saying that I am not as bad as others
2. Obeying the law makes me feel a bit of a fool as I wonder what other people think of me
3. Sticking to the speed limit has set me free from the worry of police cars or speed cameras
4. Driving more slowly means that it takes me longer to get where I am going, I sometimes get frustrated and consider dropping my self-imposed speed limits
5. Some speed limits seem foolish, expecting drivers to drive at an unreasonably slow rate. Surely I know better!
6. Sticking to the speed limit whilst other people are speeding past can fuel my feelings of self-righteousness, not a very attractive attribute!

What has been the result of this? I have just received a speeding ticket for doing thirty-six in a thirty zone, as Homer Simpson would say "Doh!"

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