Thursday 29 January 2015

Sacred Normality

Earlier this month, six of us met on Sunday morning, we sang one hymn, prayed one prayer, read one passage of scripture and shared a little about if for a few minutes. We all stood round in a circle for the whole time trying to keep warm and bumbled our way through our gathering. We had a number of questions and comments about the passage, not all of them really relevant to the topic as raised in Acts1. Our prayer at the end was whilst we held hands in a circle and asked God to reveal himself to us and help us share with others. We prayed that God would surprise us this year with his blessing

The gathering was not polished, we were not conscious of any great presence, we would not have impressed any visitors, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Except six people gathered in the name of Jesus and he was in our midst. Holy ordinariness, every day incarnation, sacred normality. And I loved it!

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