Thursday 22 August 2013


According to Wikipedia, which surely is the font of almost all knowledge, incarnation literally means 'embodied in flesh or taking on flesh.' This sounds a bit boring and does not carry the weight of the incredible truth that is revealed in the Bible

When The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John1:14) it meant that:

The God who created the universe became a person
He was squeezed through the birth canal of a teenage virgin
He suckled on the breasts of the Virgin Mary, his mum
God not only took on flesh and became flesh but 'felt' flesh for the first time
God tasted and drank and chewed and swallowed and defecated and urinated
He had an internal heart beat that he could feel when he touched his own wrist or neck 
God could look up at the sky through lens fixed in his eyeballs
God could sence hot and cold and needed to change his environment to deal with both situations, for example put on extra clothes when he was cold
He existed, for the first time, in one place at one time
God could have felt his own feet kicking stones on a dusty road whilst the sun beat down on his head making him thirsty

God became a bloke; a living, breathing, sweating, talking, thinking, laughing, crying, labouring, walking, sleeping, average looking bloke. 

Jesus was and is utterly, totally and completely human, he knows what it is to deal with real issues, with real people, in a real world as a real man because he is one!

This and far more is what the incarnation is all about. Oh, and by the way, he is also the eternal, omnipotent, perfect, glorious, creator, God and Lord of all things. One worthy of my worship

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