Monday 13 May 2013

I Want to be Part of a Church....

I want to be part of a church....

That is alive with the heart of God beating for the saint and the sinner
That is willing to take risks without condemning those who need to be safe
That is more concerned with the presence of God than what is normally done
Where people are willing to love others and willing to be loved
That takes the words of Jesus seriously and is unwilling to simply ignore them
That has corporate times of worship that makes us feel alive and also leads us to brokenness
That is as welcoming to teenagers and single parents as it is to the retired
That loves to sing songs by Charles Wesley as much as ones by Matt Redmond 
That is dangerous and challenging as well as a place of rest and peace
That expects me to pursue Christ for myself but also helps me to link with others doing the same
That supports people in their place of work as much as in their place of worship
That will make any changes necessary to unsure that the timeless gospel is not changed
Where Jesus is honoured in both word and obedience
Where the greatest sinners are treated as if they were the greatest saints
That believes that having fun should be a serious pursuit
That discards nothing that continues to have value and keeps nothing that no longer has value 
Where Biblical orthodoxy and radical orthopraxy exist side by side
Where the most mature preacher and the newest believer both find their place to minister
Where remarkable miracles and holy ordinariness are both seen
Where excellence is valued as well as space given for the novice to experiment 
Where we have the desire to honour our past as well as a willingness to leave it behind
Where holy communion is truly a communion with the holy
Where Jesus is the destination, the vehicle and the journey 

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