Saturday 30 April 2016

The Higher Standard

Law says I must give a tenth of my income to the church
Grace says that I can overflow with generosity whenever the opportunity
Which is the higher standard?

Law says I must share my faith everyday
Grace says that I can seek to love God so deeply that he overflows out of my life to touch others
Which is the higher standard?

Law says I must read my Bible through each year
Grace stirs my heart so that I long to find Christ in the pages of scripture
Which is the higher standard?

Law says I must attend services twice on a Sunday and not miss the prayer meeting
Grace inspires me to long to meet God with my brothers and sisters
Which is the higher standard?

John Piper tells the story of an American football coach who decided not to tell his team to get up at five in the morning and run three miles to ensure peak physical fitness. Instead he sought to inspire them by focusing the players on the joy of playing the sport, the privilege of representing their university and the opportunity of making history by winning the play-offs. He then encouraged them to do all they could to get fit and be physically ready for the task ahead

Was the coach right to take this approach? Which was more likely to produce the fit players that he required? Which was the higher standard?

Friday 8 April 2016

The Haven

This is the place in around 1973 when I first committed my life to Christ. In those days it was called 'The Haven,' situated in Sidmouth in East Devon and was used as a Christian coffee bar. Dozens of young people used to meet there and sing hymns and choruses, it was after one of these evenings that my Christian journey really began. 

At the time I understood very little and didn't really appreciate the commitment I was making. I did not realise that my life would be hugely impacted because of what happened that evening. Today, over forty years later, I am still seeking to pursue Christ and his kingdom and still feel that I am on a journey somewhat into the unknown. The difference is that today I have a greater confidence in God's love and grace towards me and I have seen evidence of that truth over the past four decades

What does the future hold? Nobody really knows the answer to that. Will I continue to be a disciple of Jesus? I hope so. If I can continue to love God and love Alison then everything else should be ok